Your mother

He shot

I really love and hate working with computers, so here's a list of some gripes I have with tech:

Computer memory is really really annoying... It never behaves the way you'd like. One minute your configuration trains and the next boot you are stuck training and end up with settings you did not expect. XMP/EXPO is even worse, only a marketing ploy half the time. laughing Just awesome innit?

Then there's processors. AMD has time bombs and Intel has exceptionally uninspiring cores mixed with great cores. Can't have it all. Anyways have fun 2 different arcitechtures when one is absolute garbage with memory compability and one just has useless cores generating heat while not working on older kernels. Such fun.

All is not terrible though:

Computers offer very nice opportunities of experiencing the nature of silicon. Pushing every clock cycle at high frequencies consuming frankly inconvenient amounts of power is an experience. Adjusting memory timings painstakingly stress testing only to gain an advantage, which is just barely measureable. It all is stupid, but gives me and you a very special view into the world of semiconductors.

Then reality hits.

This is all irrelevant and most people don't care. they want to see a bunch of images and videos and read their E-mail. This site embraces that thought, so here, have a 東方 themed shitpost you filthy casuals- -- --